Wake up! There’s a calling for you to participate…
Untuk menuntut Real Action berkaitan dengan hajatan besar duta-duta besar negara di Bali tanggal 3-14 Desember tentang Globlal Warming, Green Peace mengundang semua orang untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kreatifitas yang cukup unik. Dan siapa saja boleh ikut berpartisipasi….
Message in a bottle
Intinya, buatlah sebuah video singkat yang berisi pesan “we need real action” for this Global Warming problems.
Saya copy paste aja notes dari mereka:
- Take a plain bottle. Move it creatively from the left of the screen to the right
- Include a green living tip, an image of someone or something threatened by climate change, or do your own mini climate action in the clip: But keep it short! Quick, tight clips of a few seconds are more likely to make it into the final cut
- Post your video on youtube as a video response
- Ideally, tell us where your video was shot using the “Date and Map” option on YouTube, so your video appears on our around-the-world map.
notes: We’ll edit a selection of the best submissions together to make a final video, which will be delivered to the politicians at the Bali conference. We’re aiming to have video clips from all around the world to show just how much we want the delegates to deliver real climate action.
Be one of them!!!
Ayo outbounerwan dan outbounerwati yg pengen ikutan, silahkan berpartisipasi. Siapa tau message kamu ikut muncul di video lengkapnya nanti.
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